Monday, May 31, 2010

Sweat Equity!

And we do mean sweat!! Despite the heat and humidity, we push on. Don is caulking the last side today. I have primed the other three, with the exception of the peak on the south side. I just couldn't get all the way up was too wiggley and Don came to the rescue!

The breezeway is actually connected to the house and should be finished tomorrow. The roofers come to finish the roof this week and then we will be all dried in and sealed up. We can also get rid of the stinky porta-potty!!

Don had some help digging the ditch for the gas and water lines yesterday. The heat nearly did them in! Hope that Gail is OK today.

So, I will keep plugging along on the paint during the week. Don will be working on his other project for a couple more weeks. Then we can get some wiring done and the insulation going on the inside. I'm still deciding where to put outlets. There will be plenty!!

The wildlife has enjoyed the bird feeder. Squirrels are still trying to figure out how to get to it. If the owner keeps spilling seed when trying to fill it, they won't ever have to get up there! Oh well! The deer have left me one little daylilly. I check each morning and so far, so good.

That's it from the ranch. Next time we hope to have the final color on and shingles even!!!


  1. Lookin' good! Quite the progress since your last posting and the time I visited in person.
    Hate to think of the heat/humidity as you work--y'all are brave!

  2. Sorry that you are working so hard in this Texas heat. You new building is looking really good.
